Thanks to all the participants of the Longevity Nation conference, that took place on October 28-31, 2024, in Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Thanks for your participation and support of healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel and in cooperation with Israel!

The conference videos are available
The video links are collected at this videos and photos page of the conference site
The videos are mostly available from the International Longevity Alliance (ILA) YouTube channel
In particular see this playlist, starting with full day recordings, followed by recordings of each individual lecture
In the same page, there are also links to the conference photos
In the google folder
And facebook album
In addition, in the same page you can find recordings and photos of the Longevity Nation 2023 conference, as well as recordings and photos of the International Perspectives on Geroscience conference that took place in Weizmann Institute in September 2019, that was also co-organized by Vetek Association, and where many of the speakers of the Longevity Nation conference also participated.
Right now, all the lectures of the Longevity Nation conference are available on YouTube, except for the BIRAX section (first half of October 30). The BIRAX lectures too should be available in a couple of days, on the same conference video page and in the same ILA YouTube channel.
One more bonus, here are summary videos of particular days¸ and a general summary video for all the 4 days of the conference
You are encouraged to share all this content – videos and photos – in your social media, to increase the educational impact of the conference!
Many thanks again! Looking forward to Longevity Nation 2025! The preparations have already started!
We are always grateful for donations that make this conference and our work possible! Thanks!