We would like to extend our invitation to you to attend the conference entitled “Longevity Nation 2024 – Enhancing Research, Development and Education for Healthy Longevity” that will take place in Bar-Ilan University (Nanotechnology Building 206), Ramat Gan, Israel, on October 28-31, 2024. The conference is organized by Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, in partnership with American Federation for Aging Research, Biogerontology Research Foundation, International Longevity Alliance and other partners.

This conference will explore the interdisciplinary interrelations of science, technology and society in addressing the challenges of population aging. By bringing together leading Israeli and international voices in the longevity space – researchers, developers, investors, educators and public figures – the Longevity Nation conference will strongly contribute to increasing the synergy of science, technology and aging society, and help advance ethical scientific and technological solutions for healthy longevity for the benefit of the entire society. Building on Israel’s strengths in this area, this conference will help build the supportive longevity ecosystem in Israel, boost the prominence of the field in Israel and enhance Israel’s international standing and cooperation in the Longevity Field.
Further to enhance Israel’s Longevity Ecosystem, in conjunction with the Longevity Nation conference, the new Longevity Industry Ecosystem in Israel IT platform was created by Aging Analytics Agency, together with Vetek (Seniority) Association, Biogerontology Research Foundation and other partners. Welcome to the platform! Thanks to all the involved!
See the press release about the platform and the conference, including support options in the US, UK, Israel and elsewhere.
Welcome to register for the conference in the link below, either for physical or online attendance. Attendance is free, but registration is required. Attendance is free, but we are grateful for your support, using the donation options mentioned in the conference Registration and Donation page:
As this conference’s main aim is to stimulate healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel, young Israeli longevity researchers and research students are invited to submit abstract proposals for Poster Presentations at the conference, relating to the themes of the conference. Upon acceptance of the abstract proposals and the presentation of the posters at the conference, the best posters will be awarded a number of “Longevity Aspiration Prizes”. Details are in the link below:
Looking forward to seeing you at the conference and joining forces for the promotion of healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel and in cooperation with Israel. Grateful for spreading the world about the conference and related activities among colleagues!
Ilia Stambler, PhD
Chairman of Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel (the main organizer of this conference).
Chairman of the conference organizing committee.