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Korea-Israel-USA Longevity Symposium

Welcome to attend

The 2024 Korea-Israel-USA Joint Symposium

“AdaM:  Antiaging, Drug and Microbiome

On Sep. 9 (Mon) – Sep. 10 (Tue), 2024, Online

Zoom Meeting ID : 446 543 5512

This symposium is a part of our joint international mobility program (Korea-Israel-US) supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea on the subject of “Convergence Research Exchange for Antiaging, Drug, and Microbiome”.

The participants of this project are teams from the College of Pharmacy, Hanyang University (ERICA) in the Republic of Korea (led by Prof. Hye Hyun Yoo, with the support of Prof. Ji-Young Oh), Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the US (led by Prof. Nir Barzilai) and Bar-Ilan University in Israel (led by Prof. Haim Cohen, with the support of Dr. Ilia Stambler of Vetek Association and Bar Ilan University Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society).

It is good to see the reports about our 2024 Korea-Israel-USA Joint Symposium “AdaM:  Antiaging, Drug and Microbiome” (9-10 September 2024) in Korean newspapers:

The Kyosu Shinmun (Professors’ News)


Mail Inbox (everyday newspaper)

These publications will help promote the healthy longevity field and international cooperation in the field.


Vetek association, together with partners organizes a series of community meetups for the longevity community. To simplify the organization and disseminations, this landing page will include the announcements and registration links to the current and upcoming Longevity Israel Meetups.

The next one will take place on October 1 (Registration, details are below)

Longevity Israel Meetup
Tuesday, October 1 – “International Longevity Day”

Tuval 5, 1st Floor, Tel Aviv (Beit Tsarfat, Nashitz Brandes Office)

Join us for an enlightening evening delving into the frontiers of healthy longevity research, development, education and advocacy, featuring esteemed speakers who are pioneering advancements in the field.

October 1 marks the International Longevity Day campaign, when longevity researchers and advocates from around the world organize events and publications to express their solidary and support for the cause of healthy longevity. So will we.


17.00-17.30 – Gathering in front of the building (Tuval 5) for a show of support (group photo) for the Longevity Day campaign.

17.30-18.00 – Mingling and Networking

18.00-18.15 –Ilia Stambler. Chairman. Vetek Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life

18.15-18.30 – Hanan Tal. CEO. Vetek Association – The Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life.

18.30-18.45 – Adam Gries. Vitalism Foundation (online)

18.45-19.00 – Ian Inkster. Biogerontology Research Foundation. Longevity Industry Ecosystem in Israel IT platform (online)

19.00-19.30 – Longevity Unconference. Short talks (up to 5 minutes) by participants. Suggest topics in advance in the registration form below.

19.30-20.00 – Continued Networking and Discussions

RSVP required, at the link below


“Longevity Nation 2024” Conference – October 28-31, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Call for submissions for the Longevity Aspiration Prizes. Longevity Industry Ecosystem in Israel IT-platform

We would like to extend our invitation to you to attend the conference entitled “Longevity Nation 2024 – Enhancing Research, Development and Education for Healthy Longevity” that will take place in Bar-Ilan University (Nanotechnology Building 206), Ramat Gan, Israel, on October 28-31, 2024. The conference is organized by Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, in partnership with American Federation for Aging Research, Biogerontology Research Foundation, International Longevity Alliance and other partners.

This conference will explore the interdisciplinary interrelations of science, technology and society in addressing the challenges of population aging. By bringing together leading Israeli and international voices in the longevity space – researchers, developers, investors, educators and public figures – the Longevity Nation conference will strongly contribute to increasing the synergy of science, technology and aging society, and help advance ethical scientific and technological solutions for healthy longevity for the benefit of the entire society. Building on Israel’s strengths in this area, this conference will help build the supportive longevity ecosystem in Israel, boost the prominence of the field in Israel and enhance Israel’s international standing and cooperation in the Longevity Field.

Further to enhance Israel’s Longevity Ecosystem, in conjunction with the Longevity Nation conference, the new Longevity Industry Ecosystem in Israel IT platform was created by Aging Analytics Agency, together with Vetek (Seniority) Association, Biogerontology Research Foundation and other partners. Welcome to the platform! Thanks to all the involved!

See the press release about the platform and the conference, including support options in the USUKIsrael and elsewhere.

Welcome to register for the conference in the link below, either for physical or online attendance. Attendance is free, but registration is required. Attendance is free, but we are grateful for your support, using the donation options mentioned in the conference Registration and Donation page:

As this conference’s main aim is to stimulate healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel, young Israeli longevity researchers and research students are invited to submit abstract proposals for Poster Presentations at the conference, relating to the themes of the conference. Upon acceptance of the abstract proposals and the presentation of the posters at the conference, the best posters will be awarded a number of “Longevity Aspiration Prizes”. Details are in the link below:

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference and joining forces for the promotion of healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel and in cooperation with Israel. Grateful for spreading the world about the conference and related activities among colleagues!


Ilia Stambler, PhD

Chairman of Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel (the main organizer of this conference).

Chairman of the conference organizing committee.

Press Release: New Longevity Ecosystem in Israel IT-Platform Showcases Israel’s Global Leadership in Longevity Science, Policy Industry

New Longevity Ecosystem in Israel IT-Platform created by Aging Analytics Agency, together with with Vetek Association and other partners

Longevity in Israel.gif

Tel Aviv, Israel, July 23, 2024 – Today, Israel cements its position as a global frontrunner in longevity industrialization with the launch of the Longevity Ecosystem in Israel Platform.

This state-of-the-art platform, backed by over 150,000 data points, exemplifies Israel’s extraordinary 14-fold industry growth since 2019, showcasing Israel’s status as a fast-growing international hub of Longevity Science, Industry, Medicine, and Policy.


Developed by Aging Analytics Agency in collaboration with Longevity International and with the support of Deep Knowledge Group, Vetek (Seniority) Association, ATLAS, and the Biogerontology Research Foundation, as a follow-up to their 2023 platform and initial 2019 Longevity Industry in Israel report, this platform serves as a comprehensive, centralized resource for the Israel Longevity Ecosystem across science, medicine, industry and policy.


Providing detailed insights and a variety of new platform components from interactive GeoMaps, dashboard analytics, a knowledge hub and more, the platform serves as the most comprehensive centralised resource for learning more about, and getting involved with, Israel’s burgeoning Longevity Industry ecosystem.

GeoDashboard 1.png

Key Features of the Longevity Ecosystem in Israel Platform:

  • Comprehensive Data Visualization: Advanced visual insights illustrating the dynamic growth and trends within Israel’s longevity sector over the past five years.
  • Influential Leadership Profiles: Detailed profiles of 170 key influencers driving advancements in Israeli longevity research and development.
  • Extensive Organizational Data: Interactive ecosystem maps, databases, and profiles of 2430 Companies (compared to 1000 in 2023), 2550 Investors (680 in 2023) and 20 Hubs mapped across 25 industry sectors 
  • Advanced Analytical Tools: Sophisticated tools for in-depth industry analysis and strategic decision-making.

Explore the platform here:


The Longevity Ecosystem in Israel Platform is being launched in conjunction with the upcoming Longevity Nation Conference 2024 organized by Vetek (Seniroty) Associaiton in Israel, in cooperation with American Federation for Aging Research, Biogerontology Research Foundation and other partners, to be held in Bar-Ilan University in Israel on 28-31 October. This event will be a pivotal gathering for leaders, researchers, and enthusiasts in the field of longevity science, aiming to advance healthy longevity through groundbreaking research, innovative therapies, and forward-thinking public health policies. 


The conference will bring together many renowned thought leaders across Longevity science, industry, medicine and policy, including Nir Barzilai, Richard Faragher, Susan Greenfield, Ilia Stambler, S. Jay Olshansky, Dmitry Kaminskiy, Evelyne Bischof, and many more.​

Among the central aims of the conference is the advancement of international cooperation in the healthy longevity field.​

Attendance is free-of-charge, but limited. Register to secure your place at Longevity Nation 2024 here:
As we strive to ensure access for all, support free admission with a donation through the conference partners: Biogerontology Research FoundationAmerican Federation for Aging Research, and Vetek (Seniority) Association, in the UK, US, Israel and elsewhere.  Your support matters.
Donate here: in the UK, the USIsrael and elsewhere, and at the conference registration page:

Let’s advance healthy longevity together!

Longevity Nation conference on October 28-31 in Bar-Ilan University

Now, exactly 4 months before the Longevity Nation conference that will take place on October 28-31, in Bar-Ilan University, Israel – we intensify the publicity of this event and invite you to join and participate!
An outstanding cohort of world leading researchers, developers and advocates in the healthy longevity field have confirmed their participation (the list is to be expanded).
This will be a unique opportunity to enhance the presence and cooperation in the longevity field, in Israel and internationally.
Welcome to register (the attendance is free, but registration is required).

And grateful for your support of the conference! The conference attendance is free, but in order to make it free (which is particularly important in this period in Israel) – we are grateful for support.
It is possible to donate to the conference and associated cooperation in the US via American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) who is a conference partner – with tax benefits for donors in the US

In the UK via Biogerontology Research Foundation – with tax benefits in the UK

And in Israel via Vetek Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (the main organizer of this conference) – with tax benefits for donors in Israel
(also via PayPal)
The donation details can also be found at the conference registration page:
Looking forward to the conference, that will be the only large-scale international longevity conference in Israel this year, and will play a significant role for the promotion of research, development and education for healthy longevity in Israel and in cooperation with Israel.
Thanks to the speakers and partners! And thanks for spreading the word!

Longevity Nation conference – Bar-Ilan University – 28-31 October 2024

The dates are set for the next Longevity Nation conference.

It will take place on October 28-31, 2024, in Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

The conference is organized by Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, in cooperation with the department of Science, Technology and Society of Bar-Ilan University and other allied organizations.

A stellar cohort of world-renowned speakers have confirmed their presentations. More world-leading scientists, developers and other key figures in the longevity field are expected to join as speakers.

The conference will be mainly physical, yet it will also be possible to attend online.

Security concerns are understandable. We are optimistic the security situation will hopefully allow us to conduct the conference in complete safety. If the Israeli universities are open, the conference will take place on the spot. If the universities are closed, the conference will be moved online. We will adjust the planning according to the situation.

In any case, the conference will take place, to sustain, encourage and further develop the field of healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel and in cooperation with Israel!

To encourage and facilitate the participation and networking in the field, especially for young researchers and students, especially in this period, it was decided to make this conference free to attend, subject to registration.

One can register in the link below.

Yet, we are grateful for support of the activities of our non-profit Vetek (Seniority) Association that promotes research, development and education for healthy longevity in Israel and in cooperation with Israel, including organizing this conference.

One can donate to the Vetek (Seniority) Association using the same link.

This conference is expected to reinforce the resilience of the healthy longevity field in Israel, and strengthen the cooperation in the healthy longevity field within Israel and in cooperation between Israel and other countries.

Looking forward to seeing you with us!

Joseph Gitarts – an aspiring longevity researcher (18 April 1998 – 25 December 2023)

Very sad to have just learned of the tragic death in battle of Joseph Gitarts, our co-author in several papers on modeling aging and longevity. Joseph showed a brilliant promise to advance the goal of healthy longevity for all. This promise was killed by the terrorists, as they have killed much of the future of human longevity and well-being, not only in Israel. Hopefully the better future will prevail.

See Joseph’s final letter to his parents and testimony about his passion for aging and longevity research.

And some words from Joseph about our joint projects:
“It was a pleasure to contribute to a body of work that brings together healthcare and technology. It is a stepping stone on the path towards a future where we realize the potential of modern technology to significantly enhance the quality of life for all of humanity. 🚀”

May his memory be a blessing.

From his collaborator: Ilia Stambler

His works:

David Blokh, *Joseph Gitarts*, Eliyahu H. Mizrahi, Nadya Kagansky, Ilia Stambler. The utility of information theory based methods in the research of aging and longevity. In: Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Longevity. Book series Healthy Ageing and Longevity. Springer Nature, 2023.

David Blokh, *Joseph Gitarts*, Ilia Stambler I. An information-theoretical analysis of gene nucleotide sequence structuredness for a selection of aging and cancer-related genes. Genomics & Informatics, 18(4), e41, 2020.

David Blokh, Ilia Stambler, *Joseph Gitarts*, Erica Pinco, Eliyahu Mizrahi. Information-theoretical analysis of blood biomarkers for age-related hip fracture risk evaluation. Applied Medical Informatics, 43(1), 14-23, 2021

Vetek receives income tax certificate 46 and can provide tax deduction to its donors

אחרי מאמצים רבים, העמותה שלנו, עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” (ע”ר) קיבלה אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות לפי סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה. בהתאם לכך, התרומות לעמותה יקנו לתורם זיכוי מהמס שהוא חייב בו לפי האמור בסעיף זה.
נפעל כדי לגייס משאבים לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה.

After much effort, our Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel) has received the Israeli income tax approval for donations according to Article 46 of the Ordinance. Accordingly, the donations to the Vetek Association will give the donor a tax deduction, in accordance to this Article.


פרטי חשבון העמותה להעברה בנקאית

בנק הפועלים. סניף 532 שאול המלך. דניאל פריש 3 תל אביב

מס. חשבון: 505131

Wiring instructions:

Bank Name: Bank Hapoalim B.M.; Bank Code: 12; Branch Name: Shaul Hamelech; Branch Code: 532; Address: 3 Daniel Frisch St. Tel Aviv, Israel.

Account No: 505131. For the account No. 12-532-505131

International Account number IBAN (23 digits): IL86-0125-3200-0000-0505-131

Swift Code (BIC): POALILIT

Account name (Beneficiary): VETEK-TNUA L EIHUT V ARIHUT HAIM

Name in Hebrew:

ותק-התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים (ע”ר)

Vetek Association Yearly Report 2023

Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, report for 2023

 In 2023, Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life continued its operation in its various areas of activity (see the full report in Hebrew

Organization of and participation in conferences. Activists of the Vetek association, in cooperation with International Longevity Alliance (ILA), Biogerontology Research Foundation (BGRF) and other partners, organized the international conference “Longevity Nation” in Bar-Ilan University in Israel.

As well as participated and helped to organize several other international conferences.

Promoting the national longevity ecosystem. In cooperation with BGRF, Vetek created the online interactive platform and analytical report “Longevity Industry in Israel 2023”

Scientific publications. Several scientific publications were written and published on behalf of the Vetek association, and under the Vetek affiliation, including a monograph on Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Longevity.  About 10 more academic articles and book chapters were written and accepted for publication. Many more scientific articles were published by members of the Vetek scientific advisory board (on behalf of their universities, not the association)

Education and grass-roots advocacy. As a part of the Longevity Day/Month campaign, the Vetek (Seniority) Association – The Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel) conducted a demonstration on October 1, in Tel Aviv.  

Moreover, live and online lectures on longevity research and advocacy for the broad public were held online. 

Collaborations. Vetek association established and strengthened collaborative ties with leading allied organizations for healthy longevity, in particular with the members of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA, France) Research Foundation (BGRF, UK);  Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia). The Vetek Association also  promoted cooperation in longevity medicine between Israel and India, and in longevity research between Israel and South Korea.

Administration. Vetek association received the “good governance certificate” (the 6th year in a row), and the tax deduction certificate for donors (Article 46 of the Israeli Income Tax ordinance). We continue to seek funds and resources to advance healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel and internationally. 

High level advocacy. In the past, Vetek achieved successes at its high level advocacy in Knesset and the Israeli government, such as the inclusion (at the initiative of Vetek association) of the subject of “Enhancing research, development and education for healthy longevity and prevention of aging-related diseases” into the Israel National Masterplan on Aging, published by Knesset in 2019, and encouraging calls for research proposals on aging and longevity in Israel and in cooperation with Israel (such as the Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Ageing – BIRAX Ageing).

In 2023 we continued these activities. There was an understanding to conduct special meetings on longevity research at the Knesset science and technology committee, and to encourage calls for research proposals on aging at the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Science and Technology. Also, there was planned the second Longevity Nation conference in Bar-Ilan university on March 26-27, 2023.

These plans were postponed by the war. The general attention became focused on the war. Yet, we continued to advance the mission of the association, by writing opinion papers, scientific and popular texts, working on the association’s administration, participating in international collaborations, and most importantly preparing for when we can again intensify our activity after the war ends and security returns.












Vetek Association 2023 Yearly Report

Yearly activity report for 2023 by Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel

דו”ח הפעילות של עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” לשנת 2023

בשנת 2023 העמותה המשיכה בפעילותה לקידום אריכות ואיכות החיים . התקיימו מגוון פעילויות לקידום מטרות העמותה כמפורט בדו”ח להלן.

השתתפות בכנסים וארגון כנסים 

ב-26-27 במרץ 2023, בשיתוף התוכנית למדע, טכנולוגיה וחברה של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” ארגנה כנס בינלאומי בינתחומי באוניברסיטת בר-אילן (שהתקיים באולם ננו-טכנולוגיה) לקידום מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה – תחת הכותרת “עם אריכות החיים – LONGEVITY NATION”. בכנס השתתפו כ-500 אנשים כולל כ-200 באופן פיזי, וכ-300 אונליין, בהשתתפות חוקרים מובילים, אנשי ציבור ומובילי דעת קהל מישראל, ארה”ב, אירופה וסין. הכנס יצר חשיפה תקשורתית רחבה, בתקשורת הישראלית ובינלאומית (יותר מ-10 כתבות ואזכורים). כמו כן פורסמה עמדת מומחים לקידום מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה.

כמו כן, נציגי העמותה השתתפתי בארגון ותצוגה במספר כנסים וירטואליים ופיזיים בינלאומיים לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה, ברובם חברי העמותה השתתפו בארגון והנחיית הכנסים, כולל:

  1. The 1st Sheba Longevity Conference. From research to evidenced-based clinical practice. Sheba Medical Center. Ramat Gan, May 10-11, 2023
  2. Global Longevity Federation. Dubai, UAE and online, May 15-16, 2023
  3. XVI International & Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference “Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management 2023” (VSIM:23), Longevity SectionRavda, Bulgaria, online, September 10, 2023
  4. 20 Years of the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM). Athens, Greece and online, November 10, 2023
  5. First Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity. Riga, Latvia and online, November 25¸ 2023

קידום האקוסיסטמה של אריכות חיים בריאים בישראל

בעקבות הכנס “עם אריכות החיים”, עמותת ותק – בשיתוף עם ארגון BGRF הבריטי הקימה פלטפורמה אינטרנטית אינטראקטיבית לקידום האקוסיסטמה של מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים בישראל – LONGEVITY INDUSTRY IN ISRAEL ופרסמה דו”ח אנליטי אודות תעשיית אריכות החיים בישראל לשנת 2023  

פרסומים מדעיים

במהלך השנה נציגי העמותה כתבו ופרסמו מאמרים מדעים ופרקים בספרים אקדמיים אודות קידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה, בשם העמותה, בפרט בשיתוף עם המרכז הרפואי גריאטרי “שמואל הרופא” ובשיתוף עם קבוצות מחקר בארץ ובחו”ל (סין, רוסיה, האיחוד האירופי, ארה”ב). פרק אחד פורסם במונוגרפיה אודות יישום בינה מלאכותית בחקר ההזדקנות ואריכות חיים בריאים, שהספר כולו גם נערך על ידי נציג העמותה.

Blokh D, Joseph Gitarts, Eliyahu H. Mizrahi, Nadya Kagansky, Stambler I. The utility of information theory based methods in the research of aging and longevity. In: Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Longevity. Book series Healthy Ageing and Longevity. Edited by Alexey Moskalev, Ilia Stambler, Alex Zhavoronkov. Springer Nature, 2023.

Levy Y, Derazne E, Shilovsky A, Kagansky D, Derkath A, Chepelev EM, Stambler I and Kagansky N. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio, are they markers of Covid-19 severity or old age and frailty? A comparison of two distinct cohorts. Frontiers in Medicine – Geriatric Medicine, 2023.    

כמו כן, במהלך השנה נכתבו והתקבלו לפרסום עוד 6 פרקים בספרים אקדמיים ועוד 4 מאמרים בעיתונים מדעיים, בשם העמותה.

עוד מאמרים רבים פורסמו על ידי חברי המועצה המדעית של העמותה (בשם האוניברסיטאות שלהם, ולא בשם העמותה).

פעילות חינוכית לציבור הרחב

העמותה המשיכה לפעול להעלאת מודעות ציבורית ויצירת חומר חינוכי בנושא אריכות ואיכות החיים, כולל פרסומים באתר עמותת “ותק” ובמדיה החברתית.

כחלק מפעילות חינוכית זאת, ב-1 באוקטובר 2023 עמותת ותק הובילה קמפיין חינוכי בינלאומי להעלאות מודעות למחקר ופיתוח לאריכות חיים בריאים – “יום אריכות החיים” – LONGEVITY DAY (מפגשים ואירועים התקיימו בארץ בעוד כ-10 מדינות).

בארץ, ביוזמת ובהובלת עמותת ותק, התקיימה הפגנה בתל-אביב לקידום זכויות האזרחים הוותיקים ואריכות חיים בריאים (הראשונה מסוגה בארץ).

הועברו הרצאות אונליין ופיזיות בנושא קידום אריכות חיים בריאים, לציבור הרחב, בפרט לבני הגיל השלישי בישראל ובחו”ל.

שיתופי פעולה בינלאומיים

נמשכו ונקשרו קשרי שותפות ואפיליאציה עם אגודות מקצועית ואקדמיות וארגונים בינלאומיים המובילים בתחום שיפור הבריאות של האדם הזקן, כולל הארגונים שבהם התקיים שיתוף פעולה הדוק בארגון פעילויות משותפות, כולל:

International Longevity Alliance (ILA, France)

International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD, USA)

European Society for Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM, Austria)  

Longevity International (Switzerland)

Afrolongevity (South Africa)

Biogerontology Research Foundation (BGRF, UK)

עם ארגון ה-BGRF נקשרו קשרי שותפות אסטרטגית

Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB, Latvia)

בשיתוף בין ארגון LAB ועמותת ותק, אורגן הכנס הראשון במדינות בלטיות לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים.

כמו כן, העמותה קידמה שיתוף פעולה בפיתוח רפואת אריכות חיים בריאים בין ישראל להודו.

ושיתוף פעולה בקידום מחקר אריכות חיים בריאים בין ישראל לדרום קוריאה.

ניהול העמותה

אחרי מאמצים רבים, עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” (ע”ר) קיבלה אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות לפי סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה. בהתאם לכך, התרומות לעמותה יקנו לתורם זיכוי מהמס שהוא חייב בו לפי האמור בסעיף זה. זה בנוסף לקבלת אישור ניהול תקין ע”י העמותה, זו שנה שישית ברציפות.
נפעל כדי לגייס משאבים לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה.

 פעילות פרלמטרית

בעבר עמותת ותק הגיע למספר הצלחות והישגים בקידום מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה בזירה הפרלמנטרית, כולל הוספת הסעיף, ביוזמת העמותה, אודות “הגברת מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה” כחלק מ-“תוכנית אב לאומית בתחום הזקנה” שפורסמה ע”י הכנסת ב-2019

וכן פרסום קולות קוראים בתחום הזקנה בעידוד העמותה, לתמיכת חקר ההזדקנות בישראל ושיתוף פעולה עם ישראל  (כגון שת”פ בחקר ההזדקנות בין ישראל לבריטניה BIRAX AGEING

גם בשנת 2023 העמותה המשיכה בפעילות זאת. הושגו הבנות לגבי קיום ישיבות מיוחדות בנושא “הגברת מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה” בוועדת המדע והטכנולוגיה של הכנסת, וכן לגבי עידוד קולות קוראים בנושא חקר הזקנה במשרדים הרלוונטיים כולל משרד המדע והטכנולוגיה ומשרד הבריאות. כמו כן תוכנן לקיים את הכנס הבא של העמותה “עם אריכות החחים – LONGEVITY NATION” ב26-27 במרץ 2024.

תוכנית אלה נדחו עקב המלחמה. רוב תשומת הלב התרכז במלחמה. חברי עמותה חיוניים הצטרפו לחזית. אך גם בזמן המלחמה המשכנו לעבוד לקידום מטרות העמותה, ע”י פרסום מאמרי דעה, כתיבת עבודות מדעיות ופופולריות, פעילות אדמיניסטרטיבית של העמותה, השתתפות בשיתופי פעולה בינלואמייים, ובעיקר הכנות להמשך פעילות מאומצת כאשר המצב ישתפר והביטחון יחזור לכולנו!