Longevity conferences and Metchnikoff day in Israel in May 2025

In addition to the regular meetups organized by Vetek association


in May, there will take place significant longevity conferences, with a strong participation of Vetek Association, including:

Sheba Longevity conference on May 7-8, where a representative of Vetek association will present on  “Longevity landscape in Israel”  and lead a panel on “Longevity Innovation in Israel”


And a satellite event on healthy longevity research, development and education at the Biomed Israel conference in Tel Aviv, on May 21, organized by Vetek association

Satellite Events

May 2025 is a special month in longevity research history – the 180th anniversary of the founder of Gerontology – Elie Metchnikoff (15 May 1845 – 15 July 1916), which Vetek association also marks and promotes.



For Vetek association, the events in May are in the preparation for the main event organized by the Vetek association – the Longevity Nation conference, on June 25-26, in Bar-Ilan University


Registration and donations to Vetek Association